Blast from the Past: Soap on a rope

Scrub a dub-dub with soap-on-a-ropeScrub a dub-dub with soap-on-a-rope
Scrub a dub-dub with soap-on-a-rope
Soap, often in novelty shapes (like the little yellow fellow pictured here), moulded round a rope would appear to be back in vogue, but many of us will remember the fun toiletry first time round.

Such a simple but revolutionary idea, soap hanging by a rope to drip dry rather than getting all mushy in a soap tray.

The genius product was as much a part of daily life in the 1970s as dodgy haircuts and Dream Topping.

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Christmas was peak time for a soap on a rope gift set, the annual chance to make stinky ole dad smell nice with a bottle of Old Spice, some matching talc and soap.

Nowadays, meterosexual men moisturise and pomade all year round so soap on a rope is unlikely to illicit much excitement. Shame.

Many will remember the novelty shaped soaps of yore. This writer had quite a few, including a Miss Piggy, a Kermit the Frog, and a collection of farmyard animals all too cherished to actually get wet.

In a crowded soap market (Camay, Lux, Fairy, Pears and Zest), soap on a rope was more of an indulgence – its closest competitor was, perhaps, Imperial Leather with its luxurious scent and fancy sticker, brought out only when guests visited.

Soap on a rope may have been re-invented, but it doesn’t wash with this old purist. ​​​​​